Rails Scaffold's Dangerous Defaults
How the Rails scaffold generator can expose your data
A big attraction to Rails is how quickly you can set up a database-backed web application with a decent amount of functionality. The Rails generators are a big help to initialize components and construct a scaffold of all the things you need to make a resource: models, migrations, controllers, views, routes, and even tests.
While the scaffold generator can help build wide swaths of an application, you do need to pay some attention to what it's doing for you. One thing that might surprise developers is how accommodating the default scaffold is in replying to requests for different data formats.
In this article I'll look at how blindly using the Rails scaffold generator (version 4.2 as I write this) can inadvertently expose data you might otherwise have thought was secret to your application.
Building a New Resource
To demonstrate this problem
we'll use an existing Rails 4.2 application
and generate a new resource
using the scaffold generator
to get all the component files
we might need.
This resource will have
some information
that we intend to expose, name
and also some information
that we don't want to show our users, secret_info
Our generate command might look something like this:
$ rails generate scaffold user_info name:string secret_info:string
invoke active_record
create db/migrate/20150210074643_create_user_infos.rb
create app/models/user_info.rb
invoke test_unit
create test/models/user_info_test.rb
create test/fixtures/user_infos.yml
invoke resource_route
route resources :user_infos
invoke responders_controller
create app/controllers/user_infos_controller.rb
invoke erb
create app/views/user_infos
create app/views/user_infos/index.html.erb
create app/views/user_infos/edit.html.erb
create app/views/user_infos/show.html.erb
create app/views/user_infos/new.html.erb
create app/views/user_infos/_form.html.erb
invoke test_unit
create test/controllers/user_infos_controller_test.rb
invoke helper
create app/helpers/user_infos_helper.rb
invoke test_unit
invoke jbuilder
create app/views/user_infos/index.json.jbuilder
create app/views/user_infos/show.json.jbuilder
invoke assets
invoke coffee
create app/assets/javascripts/user_infos.coffee
invoke scss
create app/assets/stylesheets/user_infos.scss
invoke scss
create app/assets/stylesheets/scaffolds.scss
The important lines to note here are the ones involving jbuilder. Rails now runs it by default and creates the JSON view files for the index and show methods.
Since we know we don't want to display secret_info
and we've only been thinking of our application as being page-based and browser-only
we would remove references
to it in the various .html.erb
files we're familiar with.
The Problem
Despite removing the secret_info
references in our HTML views,
when we run our server
and access it using curl
from a terminal
asking for a JSON formatted response,
we find that we can access
all the data we built with our scaffold:
$ curl localhost:3000/user_infos.json
[{"id":1,"name":"Brian","secret_info":"this user is really smart","url":"http://localhost:3000/user_infos/1.json"}]
Again, this might be a bit surprising since we never intended to build a JSON API for our application nor did we access it using AJAX from our browser pages.
An Attempted Solution
Thinking the problem might be the jbuilder files created by the scaffold you can go ahead and remove them from the views directory:
$ rm app/views/user_infos/*.jbuilder
This at least takes care of the problem
of exposing our secret_info
However, on a production environment
it returns a 500 error:
$ curl localhost:3000/user_infos.json
{"status":"500","error":"Internal Server Error"}
This comes with the usual big ugly stack backtrace in the log file and may also trigger any application monitoring tools you have running like Honeybadger or Airbrake. The complaint is the missing jbuilder template we removed.
Trying to access files of other MIME types
by using other extensions like .xml
will give similar results.
The Real Solution
The best way to handle this is to add a constraint to the resource's route limiting requests to HTML. Doing this will insure that any clients that attempt to access our server requesting formats other than HTML will get an appropriate response.
resources :user_infos, constraints: { format: :html }
Now using a curl
command that displays only the status code
when we try to request JSON
we see the appropriate error code:
$ curl -w "%{http_code}\n" -o /dev/null -s localhost:3000/user_infos.json
You get the same error code for other MIME types.
Don't Trust the Generators
My personal preference is to limit the use of Rails' generators. Since I'm a fairly strict adherent to outside-in testing if I rely on scaffolds I end up with chunks of code that don't have feature-level tests.
I also see a good number of Rails applications that have remnants of previous generator runs in them With specs that were never implemented and are left in the pending state, each star in the output making me a little sad. Assets and helpers also remain unused yet checked into the application's repository.
When I'm developing an application I will often have a directory
sitting right next to the directory I'm working on
set up with the same version of Rails.
I will run the full scaffold generator there
to reference what is generated
because each version of Rails uses controllers, tests, assets and other files slightly differently.
I then go back to my application,
open up an editor with a new blank file
for the component I'm creating and add
only the code I actually need.
That way I don't end up with actions in my controller
that I don't ever use.
I also limit my resource routes
to only the actions I'm actually using,
eliminating routes for actions
I don't yet have feature-level tests for
or may never use like edit
and delete
The one exception I usually make is to use the generator to create my models and their associated migrations. There's a fair amount of convention around the migration class and DSL and it's usually more typing than I can easily replicate paging back and forth to my example directory.
In the end, you shouldn't put too much trust in code you haven't written yourself. Many bugs and security holes occur in the areas of our applications that we understand the least.