Building Admin From the Rails Scaffold

Creating Admin Dashboards in Rails Without Common Gems

4 min read
This article originally appeared about ten years ago on my Ruby (and Rails) focused blog. I've learned a lot since then (including how poorly named that blog was) and thought the posts wouldn't be relevant anymore. However, after re-reading those posts there's still a lot of what I wrote that I like. I will be revisiting these in future posts examining how my thinking has changed. Watch here for updates.

Previously I wrote about some problems I've been having using the common Rails admin gems. This is the first article I'll be writing as part of a series where I'll be examining just how hard it really is to create most of the functionality of these gems from scratch (with the help of a few smaller, single-purpose gems).

In this article we'll set up a new example application (it's the classic blog example) and create the basic CRUD (create/read/update/delete) functionality for our admins. We'll also set up basic admin user accounts to control access to our data.

At the time of this writing Rails 4.2 is freshly out so we'll also take advantage of some of the new features that version has to offer (in the case of this article, foreign key constraints on models).

Creating the Application

I like to start my new Rails applications with a fresh version of Rails. Often I'm not yet using that version on my development system but I may still need to run older Rails versions for my other projects. Because I always try to load all my gems via bundler and have a Gemfile representing each project the first thing I do is create my project directory and create a new Gemfile in it:

$ mkdir blog_project
$ cd blog_project
$ bundle init

I then edit the Gemfile that was created to contain the version of Rails I wish to use:

source ''
gem 'rails', '4.2.0'

All that's left is to install Rails and all its gems, create the project, and create some models:

$ bundle install
$ rails new . --skip-test-unit --skip-turbolinks --database=postgresql
$ rails generate scaffold post title:string body:text author:string published:boolean published_at:datetime
$ rails generate scaffold comment body:text commenter:string email:string website:string post:references{foreign_key}
$ rake db:create db:migrate

The Admin Dashboard

We'll need a page with links to all the models we've created. We'll create the controller for an admin home page:

$ rails g controller admin home

To make the admin home page reside at /admin we'll change get 'admin/home' in config/routes.rb to:

get 'admin' => 'admin#home'`

All that's left is to put links to each model's index page in app/views/admin/home.html.erb like:

<h1>Admin Dashboard</h1>
  <li><%= link_to 'Posts', posts_path %></li>
  <li><%= link_to 'Comments', comments_path %></li>


Out of the box Rails applications don't have any sort of user authentication (like login forms). If we were to deploy our applicaiton now anyone with our server's address could make any change they wanted to any of the data in our application.

We'll be using the Devise gem to authenticate our admin users so the first step is to add it to our Gemfile.

gem 'devise'

Now we can create the admin user routes and migrations and generally configure Devise. We'll name our model Admin because in the future we might want to allow other types of users to have accounts on our system.

$ rails generate devise:install
$ rails generate devise Admin
$ rake db:migrate

You'll note at this point that we've now created a new model for admin users. You'll probably want to administer these users much like the rest of the data in your system but you won't have resource routes, a controller, or view templates. You'll need to add your own routes/controller/templates similar to the ones the scaffold previously made for us.

We'll need to disable general admin sign up because we'll want to control who actually gets an admin account. To do this, you'll need to modify the Devise configuration in app/models/admin.rb to use only these options:

devise :database_authenticatable, :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable

We'll also need to seed the admin table with at least one user so that they can create and manage any future admin users (presumably through the admin interface we skipped building earlier). The proper way to do this is to add code to db/seeds.rb to create that first user with a password (which should be immediately changed on any production systems). We'll add this to our db/seeds.rb file:

Admin.create email: '', password: 'insecure-password'

It is best to make sure your db/seeds.rb code is idempotent, which in this case means you can re-run it without it creating duplicate records. Because Devise validations require email to be unique this won't create duplicate records so it's fine to leave the code this way.

To actually create our admin user we'll need to run:

$ rake db:seed

Requiring Admin Authentication

Now that we have a way to create admin users and the initial user created on our system we need to limit access to our admin pages. While devise offers several methods that can be used to control access at different granularities and authorization tools like cancancan offer even easier ways to control access, for this example we'll take a less complicated approach. We'll limit access to our admin dashboard and all of the scaffold controller actions by adding:

before_action :authenticate_admin!

to the classes in app/controllers/admin_controller.rb, app/controllers/comments_controller.rb, and app/controllers/posts_controller.rb. After doing that, attempting to navigate to any of our admin pages without being logged in as an admin will take us to the admin sign in form. Successfully logging in will then allow us to perform all the operations allowed by our scaffold controllers.

Coming up

In a few short steps we've been able to create our application, define a few models with basic CRUD (create/read/update/delete) operations for them, and create a way to limit access to those operations on those models for admin users.

However, the various tables and forms that we get out of the box are rather barren and ugly and perhaps a bit difficult to read and use. In the next article in this series we'll look at how to quickly add some styling to our admin pages.

Other topics we'll also need to address to bring our admin tool to parity with the gems already out there are:

  • Searching/filtering and table ordering to allow admin users to find exactly the model records they're looking for
  • How to export our form data to some common file formats (.csv, JSON, and XML)
Brian VanLoo
Brian VanLoo
Scaling teams and web applications to deliver business value. Focus on problem-solving, strategy, and a commitment to equity and growth in the workplace.
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